The Ultimate Paint Pen

The Ultimate Paint Pen in 15 Points
The Ultimate Paint Pen duplicates the same type of paint application as the manufacturers and repair shops: first the basecoat, then the protecting clear coating.
- 01 The first and original touch up tool that combines the basecoat / clearcoat technology in one single dual tip practical unit.
- 02 Reproduces exactly all car manufacturers' original colors for all years and models going back to the 50's.
- 03 All finishes are reproduced: solids, metallics, pearls and even tri-coats, a unique feature developed by TUPP.
- 04 Color Matching from original standards.
- 05 Exclusive to OEM Manufacturers.
- 06 Identified as a genuine product, with the manufacturer's logo.
- 07 World recognized paint products of the highest quality.
- 08 Ergonomic, light and easy to use.
- 09 Precise application and controlled flow.
- 10 Patented valve mechanism.
- 11 Durable polyester fibre tips edged to ensure precision and versatility.
- 12 Tips are removable and easy to clean.
- 13 The airtight opaque container prevents hardening, color change and accidental spills.
- 14 Manufactured on order with low minimum quantities to support tight inventory control.
- 15 Manufacturing procedures ISO 9001:2015 Certified.
contact us to learn more about our products. We'll provide the right solutions for your own specific applications.